For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.
Matthew 18:20
Westminster is a large church, however within the church are several small, intimate communities. There is a place for you within these communities, whether you are seeking fellowship, study, creative outlets, service, or all of the above! Find your groups and enjoy the beauty of Christian community here at Westminster!

There's a group for you here at Westminster!
Knit N Pearls
The Knit N Pearls meet monthly for coffee and fellowship, however you don't need to be able to knit or crochet to attend! Bring your work-in-progress of any craft, or just come to enjoy the company!
Men's Groups
Various Men's Groups meet at Westminster for faith and study. They bond together over morning coffee and lively discussion. Contact us and get connected with a group!
Women's Circles
Various Women's Circles meet regularly for fellowship, acts of service, study, and encouragement. Each individual circle is made up of women with common interests and similar life stages. Contact us and we'll help you find the best circle for you!
Westminster has a proud tradition of incredible music. Our Chancel Choir and Matins Ringers (hand bells) are made up of church members who share a passion for beautiful music, and there is a spot for you!
Sunday School
Christian Education is a large part of life at Westminster. Come, learn, ask questions, deepen your faith, and grow in community!